Anna Elisa D’Agostino
T: 06 8522 5989
Viale Romania, 32
00197 Roma
Project Management
Chiara Sganga
T: 06 8522 5994
Sara Mangoni
T: 06 8522 5740
Licia Gallo
T: 06 8522 5958
Financial reporting
Roberta Pellicano
T: 06 8522 5440
Luiss actively participates in "Mission 4 Education and Research" of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNNR). Luiss involvement in the PNRR pursues the goal of fostering the diffusion of innovative models for research; supporting processes for innovation and technology transfer; strengthening research centers, capital and skills to support innovation.
Luiss is hosting the following PNRR and PRIN PNRR projects:
PROMISILFA - Protocollo per la misurazione della sostenibilità e qualità dei fornitori di imprese leader di filiera agroalimentare
Head: Cristiano Busco
The Protocollo per la misurazione della sostenibilità e qualità dei fornitori di imprese leader di filiera agroalimentare, PROMISILFA, with the support of Federalimentare, defines an innovative protocol model for assessing the sustainability and quality of suppliers of leading agri-food companies. The main objectives of the project are to: 1) define indicators to measure and evaluate the sustainability of supplier companies by the supply chain leader; 2) develop a protocol that takes into account new European regulations and international frameworks regarding sustainability, to be tested on a sample of at least 10-15 companies, including supply chain leaders, downstream, and upstream businesses; 3) achieve an innovative definition and interpretation of the “concept” of the extended agri-food supply chain, from agricultural production to the processing industry, from distribution to final consumers, thereby improving the efficiency and sustainability of production, distribution, and consumption processes.
Rome Technopole
Rome Technopole project is the response of the universities and the production system present in Lazio to the strong demands that come from the need for relaunch and from the opportunities offered by the Next Generation EU plan. Luiss is involved in the project through two of the six thematic functional Spokes.
Spoke 1. Applied research technology development and innovation
Head: Giuseppe Francesco Italiano
The Spoke 1 focuses on activities on vertical research and innovation projects build up in collaboration between research and industrial partners, such as the specific vertical ecosystem projects, starting from fundamental research to foster disruptive innovation and frontiers research, up to the industrial research, precompetitive development and technology development to promote and sustain innovation.
Spoke 2. Technology transfer, new entrepreneurship, business incubation and acceleration
Head: Christian Lechner
The Spoke 2 focuses on 1) scale up and valorization at industrial level of the research results carried out by Rome Technopole raising TRL above 5; 2) technology transfer; 3) development and support to creation of new forms of entrepreneurship; 4) business incubation and acceleration, including IPR management and open innovation.
SERICS - SEcurity and RIghts in the CyberSpace
Head: Paolo Spagnoletti
The security of cyberspace is among the main concerns of governments worldwide. Blocking business operations, surreptitious control of critical infrastructure services, theft of intellectual property or important information are examples of the threats. Not only industry but also democracy may be attacked in cyberspace. These considerations raise the question of how to defend cyberspace from the threats and attacks that affect the financial stability, public order, and democratic life of a country. For this reason, it is particularly important to involve institutions, universities, research centers, and companies in an increasingly intense and integrated way. After these considerations, SERICS pursues the following thematic objectives: Protecting Data and Services on the Web, Detecting Malware, Combating Cybercrime, Defending Democracy, Defending Artificial Intelligence, Ensuring privacy, Preparing for Quantum Computer attacks, Defending Hardware.
TRUSTSCIENC - The erosion of trust and science denial
Head: Elena Bruni
The aim of TRUSTSCIENC is to contribute to the urgent calling to comprehend and counteract the phenomenon of the eroding trust towards major institutions, particularly around the scientific community, which often leads to a sentiment of denying and rejecting the validity of science, also known as ‘science denial’. The project will develop an innovative analytical framework able to provide crucial insights on 1) how the erosion of institutional trust leads to collective science denial; 2) how to mitigate, contrast, and eventually neutralize the effects of science denialism not only on individuals but also on the collectivity.
PRIN 2022
Data4Innovation - Data Ecosystem governance toward enhancing data sharing for innovation: implications for organizations
Head: Paolo Spagnoletti
This project - aligned with the National Research Program (PNR) 2021-2027 under the "Digital, Industry, and Aerospace" Research and Innovation field and the “Digital transition - i4.0”, "High performance computing and big data", "Artificial Intelligence" and “Innovation for the manufacturing industry” focus areas - will contribute to better understand: 1) the tensions manifested in data ecosystems; 2) how the data ecosystem governance addresses such tensions; 3) how data infrastructure influences actors’ collaboration. Moreover, the project explicitly focuses on the role played by SMEs. More specifically, we aim to understand; 4) how data ecosystems incentivize small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to participate; 5) whether and how SMEs’ participation in such ecosystem influences their organizations and outcomes; and 6) how SMEs’ participation influences the evolution of data ecosystems.
From margins to mainstream: Novel perspectives on outsider innovators
Head: Federica Brunetta
In this project, the University of Bologna and Luiss University collaborate to offer novel perspectives on the legitimation journeys of outsider innovators. The project bring together theories and developments in entrepreneurship, innovation management, sociology, and social psychology. The researchers intend to examine the mechanisms around ‘outsiderness’ through a multi-method, multidisciplinary research design that combines historiographic approaches, experimental design, and big data analytics to yield insights at multiple levels of analysis.
GOST - Governance of Sustainable Transition
Head: Alessandro Zattoni
Sustainable transition is a challenge that firms are more eager to take if it enables maximizing the creation of economic, social, and environmental value. However, despite the growing pressure from regulators, investors, and other stakeholders, the integration of socio-environmental issues still occupies a limited space on the board agenda of many companies. The project will first focus on a sample of in-depth cross-case studies, aimed at capturing hindering and enabling factors of socio-environmental integration and to understanding the best practices related to traditional and innovative sustainability governance mechanisms. The insight of this analysis will lead to the investigation of how traditional firms perceive the feasibility of these mechanisms, by assessing their risks and opportunities. As a result, the outcomes of this project will be a set of models of innovative and traditional sustainability governance mechanisms.
GVCDIG - Global Value Chains, digitalisation and polarisation in Europe
Head: Maria Savona
This project sets out to investigate the GVC-digitalisation nexus and its implication for polarisation both within country-industries and along GVCs, highlighting its consequences in terms of economic and social inequality. We take into account three major sources of socio-economic inequality: 1) the share of value added that goes to labour compensation; 2) the polarisation of wages and 3) polarization in the occupational structure looking at different functional specialisations within and between country-industries. In doing, so we contribute to the two stream of literature that have looked at offshoring and digitalisation as potential causes of labour market polarisation in several ways.
SETA - Studying thE impact of anti-analysis Techinques in IoT security evAluations
Head: Emilio Coppa
IoT devices have become an essential part of our life, as they bring significant quality-of-life improvements while being easy to carry and employ. However, the broad adoption of such devices opened various cybersecurity-related challenges concerning proper and secure information management. Finding adequate security standards and strategies is a complex challenge due to the heterogeneous nature of IoT devices. The project SETA, "Studying thE impact of anti-analysis Techniques in IoT security evAluations", aims to propose a complete, in-depth characterization of how manufacturers can employ anti-analysis techniques in IoT devices to hinder security evaluations; an analysis of the existing anti-analysis strategies on a large-scale set of firmware extracted from IoT devices; an innovative static development and dynamic methods to detect and mitigate such techniques; a complete threat model and taxonomy of the capabilities possibly employed by a manufacturer to thwart the analysis of IoT devices.
Supply Chain Disruptions, Financial Losses and Their Prevention
Head: Marco Scarsini
The project intends to contribute to the resiliency of the overall economic system, as follows: 1) connecting supply chains and financial networks; 2)with the full network in sight, studying the consequences of supply chain disruptions on the whole ecosystem, including default cascades; 3)building credit risk models which are directly connected to the systemic problems in production and supply chains; 4) designing early warning systems; 5) studying reconstruction, resilience and protection mechanisms, whose joint action can mitigate the effects of future disasters.
Voices from the Margins
Head: Rosario Forlenza
This project examines the end of Christian Democracy from a historical and anthropological perspective, exploring the lived experiences of militants and local elites, unveiling their changing perspectives on politics, society, culture, as well as on their participation to the public sphere. Its main argument is that the collapse of Christian Democracy was not simply a critical juncture of political history, but the collapse of a political dream generating a constellation of meanings, symbolisms, and memories that remained alive in large sector of the Italian body politic. The project will investigate: 1) what did the disappearing of the party mean for militants at the grass-root level; 2) how did they make sense of the end and the collapse of their political dream; 3) what was the legacy of their previous political engagement and how such legacy influenced their subsequent political ideas and experiences.