Accomodation and Campus Services
Viale Romania 32
Villa Heritz – Piano terra
T: 06 85225971
F: 06 85225347
Every year Luiss Guido Carli publishes a call for applicants for the allocation of accommodation at Luiss Residences, reserved for students admitted to the first year of a bachelor's degree or a single-cycle master's degree, as well as for students from other universities admitted to the first year of a master's degree program.
The ranking for the allocation of accommodation will be determined solely based on the score obtained in the admission ranking to Luiss Guido Carli, expressed in hundredths, and valid for enrollment purposes.
The new call for applications for the academic year 2025/2026 will be published on this page in the coming weeks.
More information:
Viale Romania 32
T: 06 85225971