LUISS with Rai Cinema

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On Friday, December 11, at 3:00 p.m., the Aula Chiesa will host a screening of All the Invisible Children, the second event in the LUISS with Rai Cinema series. The screening will be followed by talks with Giovanna Leo and Gian Paolo Montini, the respective president and general manager of Associazione Peter Pan Onlus.

The series of screenings, sponsored by Rai Cinema, runs from November 2015 until April 2016. After each showing, a guest speaker will discuss themes presented within the film as well as provide a brief introduction to storytelling methodology. The project also offers a student competition for third- and fourth-year high school students, requiring them to write papers on the films' themes. Winners will receive a full-ride scholarship to a LUISS Summer School 2016 session.

In addition to high school students, screenings are open to LUISS students. Spaces are limited. Participation in the series is a prerequisite to applying for paid tutor positions with LUISS Summer School 2016.

A full schedule of events will be available soon.

Register for the event

<p><span style="line-height: 20.4px;">From Novemeber 2015 until April 2016, LUISS will host a series of film screenings and talks</span></p>
Scheduling End