A LUISS success story: Guido Vero's experience in Shanghai

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image-23 Jul 2015 - 5:44pm"Even just thinking about it now I feel so lucky." says Guido Vero, a graduate of LUISS’s master’s degree program in General Management and currently associate consultant for Bain & Company, as he recalls his experience at the School of Management at Fudan University in Shanghai, which he attended through the Double Degree program.

After hearing several former participants rave about their experiences, Guido saw “enormous opportunities for personal growth” in LUISS’s partnership with Fudan and, with the support of his friends and colleagues, found the courage to "fulfill a dream and live in a developing country.”

When he arrived in Shanghai, a city that he experienced “as the center of the world”, there were a number of challenges to contend with, such as how to take four exams in less than two weeks. But "I just needed an effective study plan, a lot of discipline, and in the end my exams went really well!" His fears vanished quickly, replaced by a little homesickness, a lot of fun with young people from a number of different countries, and, above all, the opportunity to “take a class with a group of 40 Italians and 40 Chinese people, freely sharing opinions, experiences, and diverse sets of expertise.” Soon, in fact, Guido and his fellow adventurers will return to Shanghai for a reunion.


To those who still have some misgivings about studying abroad, Guido recommends not worrying about the language because "taking exams and studying in English isn’t easy at first, but once you’ve done it it’s so much more satisfying" and suggests deciding only after making a list of pros and cons: "if you find more cons than pros then you’ve definitely mixed up the columns!"

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