A series of e-learning courses on basic computer skills

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<p><span style="line-height: 20.3999996185303px;">All newly enrolled students can take multimedia, digital literacy courses&nbsp;</span></p>

image-27 Ago 2015 - 2:57pm

LUISS offers all students enrolled in their first year of a bachelor’s degree program or a single-cycle master’s degree program in 2015-2016 the opportunity to complete a multimedia course on essential computer skills free of charge.

The course teaches and updates basic skills regarding the most common office technologies in order to prepare students for their studies or forp certification such as the European Computer Driving License (ECDL).

Using video lessons, progress tests and simulations, the multimedia course will facilitate learning for each of the seven modules required to obtain the certification: Computer Essentials, Online Essentials, Word Processing, Spreadsheet, IT Security, Presentation, Online Collaboration.

How to access the lessons

Video courses are available on the University e-learning platform. Students can access the courses using their web login (matriculation number and password that students receive from the Student Office in the first week of August.)

Students can connect to the platform from any station (fixed or mobile) with a web browser and internet connection: simply access the General category on the home page and select the e-Skills course, using the StudentiLUISS enrollment key.

For more information and login assistance, send an email to elearning@luiss.it. The Test Center staff is available for support and to personalize contents according to students’ needs.