Since 2014, the Luiss Garden has been a space open to students, lecturers, administrative staff, volunteers from neighbourhood associations, children from neighbourhood schools, and members of the community, with the goal of facilitating social interaction and serving as a place where collaborations and initiatives can take shape, and where nature, well-being, sustainability and learning can coexist.
People of all ages and backgrounds rediscover the value of contact with nature and nutritious foods and learn to develop a functional lifestyle in harmony with the environment while working in the Luiss Garden. Participants engage in gardening activities at shared times and supported by a horticulturalist.
The interaction of these different groups in the Garden, where differences in age, stories, and backgrounds disappear, provides unique opportunities for collaboration and ‘contamination’, creating a participatory community model for the well-being of individuals and the environment.
Contact to participate in the Garden activities.