Luiss developed its Gender Equality Plan (GEP), a plan of concrete actions to enhance gender equality, in collaboration with the Rector’s Advisor for Diversity & Inclusion and as part of the Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) function. The Plan is part of Luiss’s path towards Diversity & Inclusion, and it was created through a participatory process that involved the continuous involvement of the community through audits, focus groups, and surveys to gather needs, ideas, and suggestions on the thematic areas indicated by the European Commission. The Luiss Gender Equality Plan is set within the framework of the Positive Action Plan (PAP) and consists of 38 actions that help to remove obstacles to effective gender equality and increase opportunities for inclusion. The document confirms and continues inclusive policies already adopted by the academic community, while also opening up to new perspectives, capable of relating to other essential aspects of the organization’s life. The drafting and implementation of the Luiss Gender Equality Plan represents an important milestone for our University and reinforces Luiss’s constant commitment to inclusion and the valorization of diversity.