LUISS School of Government
SoG Postgraduate Office
Via di Villa Emiliani 14
00197 Roma
T 06 85225052/5065
Joint Master in Global Economic Governance and Public Affairs
The new Joint Master in Global Economic Governance and Public Affairs (GEGPA) is the result of a partnership between the School of Government of Luiss Guido Carli and the Centre International de Formation Européene (CIFE).
The Master programme is focused on how to assess, manage and enhance private and public institutions' governance with a wide range of economic and digital intelligence tools. The Master is taught in Rome, Berlin and Nice by renowned researchers and experienced professionals who combine second to none practical expertise and academic credentials. It combines on-site teaching, case studies, consulting missions, research thesis.
The one-year Joint Master Programme will be taught in English and will include terms in Rome, Berlin and Nice with 60 ECTS