LUISS offers the opportunity to earn a degree valid in three European countries in eighteen months thanks to the Joint Master in Parliamentary Procedures and Legislative Drafting (EUPADRA). The program will be launched in 2016-2017 with the support of the European Commission Erasmus+ program.
“A new educational path at the end of which graduates will have mastered parliamentary procedures and drafting rules of different legal systems, as well as identify common principles and variations deriving from each constitutional system,” explains Professor of Public Law Nicola Lupo and director of the initiative with the Instituto de Derecho Parlamentario from the Universidad Complutense di Madrid and the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies from the University of London.
Professor Lupo adds that EUPADRA is an “itinerant Joint Master through which students will spend three months in each Rome, Madrid London before performing internships within a wide range of parliamentary structures.” Students will have the possibility of interning with the European Parliament, the Chambers of Deputies in Italy, Spain and the Dominican Republic or the Italian and Peruvian Senates) in addition to study centers, think tanks and associations such as Confindustria and Confartigianato.
The Master is affiliated with the School of Government in collaboration with the School of Law and the Centre for Parliamentary Studies.