Another important result has been achieved by the LUISS Brussels Desk, as two LUISS students have been selected as atypical trainees at the European Commission DG for Environment (DG ENV). Chiara Tirrito a master's student in European Studies, and Francesca Zuccarello Cimino, from the Department of Law, will have the opportunity to work for four months with European Commission policy officers in areas such as European Union environmental policies, the EU Urban Agenda and infringement procedures by the Member States.
The Brussels Desk focuses on building relationships with the European institutions and has recently established further contacts with the Directorate-General for Human Resources and Security (DG HR) and the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI).
Since its opening in September 2014, the LUISS Brussels Desk has played an important role in the creation of over 60 internship opportunities for students or graduates. This data are steadily increasing, also thanks to the collaboration of the Brussels Alumni network, coordinated by the Associazione Laureati LUISS (ALL).