Admission to Master’s Degree Programmes with GMAT/GRE Certification for National Students

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Admissions Office


Libera Università Internazionale

degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli

Viale Romania, 32 - 00197 Roma

T +39 06 85225270/263 

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Direct admission on the basis of certification to Luiss University’s master's degree programmes in the 2025/2026 academic year for students from universities located in Italy 

For the 2025/2026 academic year Luiss University grants direct admission to its master's degree programmes to students from universities located in Italy who hold a GMAT or GRE certificate. 

Students who meet the minimum scores specified below and who are enrolled in the third year of a bachelor's degree programme in Italy or who have already graduated may gain direct admission to Luiss University’s master's degree programmes. 

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Requirements for Admission Based on Certification

For direct admission to Luiss University’s master's degree programmes, students must hold a GMAT or GRE certificate obtained no more than three years previously with the following minimum scores: 

  • GRE:
    • Minimum score for all degree programmes: Verbal 145 and Quantitative 145, or Verbal 150 and Quantitative 150 for Corporate Finance and Management.
  • GMAT: 
    • GMAT “Focus” (current GMAT version): minimum score 515 out of 805 for all degree programmes or 555 out of 805 for Corporate Finance and Management.
    • GMAT 10th Edition: minimum score 550 out of 800 for all degree programmes, or 600 out of 800 for Corporate Finance and Management.

Students must be enrolled in their third year in the 2024/2025 academic year and obtain their bachelor's degree by 13 November 2025 or already hold one. 


Submission of Applications and Registration for Attendance 

Applications for admission can be submitted in any one of two sessions until 30 April 2025: 

  • Session I: Applications submitted by 26 February 2025: students admitted in this session must pay the first instalment of the annual tuition fee by 15 April 2025. 
  • Session II: Applications submitted between 27 February and 30 April 2025: students admitted in this session must register for attendance by paying the first instalment of the annual tuition fee by 15 May 2025. 

In order to submit their application for admission, candidates are required to pay a compulsory and non-refundable application fee of € 30 online when filling out the form. The outcome of the selection procedure will be communicated by e-mail from the second week onwards after the submission of applications.

In the case of admission and subsequent registration for attendance (iscrizione alla frequenza), university enrollment (immatricolazione) must be finalized as soon as the bachelor's degree has been obtained and, in any case, by the non-extendable deadline of 13 November 2025. Instructions for completing the procedure will be sent by e-mail in due course.


Documentation Required for Admission

Applications for admission require: 

  • Identity document (passport or ID card). 
  • Certificate of studies proving enrolment and grades for examinations taken including their academic discipline fields (SSD). 
  • GMAT or GRE certificate with required minimum score. The certificate must be sent electronically to Luiss by the deadline for submission of applications in the session concerned. 

Once students have registered to attend lectures and obtained their bachelor’s degree, they must finalise their university enrolment by 13 November 2025. Details will be communicated by e-mail from July 2025 onwards. 

​For more details see the FAQ below.​ 


Submit an application

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​​For which degree programmes can I apply?

​You may only apply for one degree programme/major of your choice from among the following.​​

Degree programmes taught in italian 

  • Amministrazione, finanza e controllo
  • Economia e Finanza (indirizzi in italiano)
  • Governo, Amministrazione e Politica
  • Marketing (orientamento in italiano)
  • Strategic Management (orientamento in italiano)

Degree programmes taught in english 

  • Economia e Finanza – major in Applied Economics; major in Finance
  • Corporate Finance (*)
  • Data Science and Management
  • Global Management and Politics
  • International Relations
  • Management (*)
  • Marketing (orientamento in inglese)
  • Policies and Governance in Europe
  • Strategic Management (orientamento in inglese)

For the degree programmes marked with an asterisk the minimum scores GMAT/GRE are:

  • 555 out of 805 for Corporate Finance and Management
  • 150 Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning for Corporate Finance and Management
​​​Is a copy of the certificate sufficient for admission purposes?

For the purposes of direct admission on the basis of GMAT or GRE scores, students must request, by the deadline for submission of applications for the session concerned, that the original of the certificate be electronically sent to Luiss.

For bachelor's degrees awarded under the Italian education system, the certificate/self-certification of the degree held/current enrolment must necessarily set out, in addition to the grades, the exams passed, the affiliated degree class, the academic discipline field (SSD) and the ECTS credits earned for each exam passed. For foreign academic qualifications, reference must be made to the criteria laid down annually by the Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR) and set out by the University on the following webpage.

Please note that only applications that meet the prescribed minimum curricular requirements will be considered valid.

I have not obtained or will not obtain a bachelor’s degree in Italy. What should I do?

If your degree is not from a university located in Italy, click here and find out how and when to apply for the selection procedures dedicated to you.

What are the prescribed minimum curricular requirements? How can I check if they are met?

In order to participate in the selection process, you will have to check whether you meet the prescribed minimum curricular requirements, with a view to ensuring that the master’s degree programme you are seeking admission to is consistent with your previous studies.

If you are a student or graduate

  • from another university: we invite you to independently verify whether you meet the prescribed minimum curricular requirements by clicking here.
    If those requirements are not met, you will have to submit – by the deadline for submission of applications for admission – documentation evidencing how you propose to make good that shortcoming (e.g. through the inclusion of extracurricular educational activities in you study plan). The deficit may be made up solely through earning ECTS credits by 13 November 2025. As specified in the Call for Applications, the Admissions Office will check fulfilment of the minimum curricular requirements when university enrolment is being finalised. Therefore, therefore, any admission based on the test and ensuing registration of the student is to be considered as conditional until fulfilment of the said minimum curricular requirements is established. For information and support:
  • of a Luiss bachelor's degree programme: minimum curricular requirements are always deemed to be fulfilled regardless of the Academic Area that the programme belongs to.

Without prejudice to the above curricular requirements, it should be noted that there will be no revision of fundamental concepts in class since it is a master’s degree programme.

Come posso scegliere il corso? Posso modificare la domanda?

In fase di compilazione della domanda di ammissione, il candidato dovrà indicare il Corso di Laurea/indirizzo di sua scelta. 

La scelta potrà essere modificata solo entro la ricezione degli esiti scrivendo ad 

Il candidato potrà richiedere di modificare la domanda presentata unicamente prima della ricezione dell’esito della domanda tramite richiesta via e-mail all’Ufficio Ammissione. Successivamente alla ricezione degli esiti non sarà possibile in alcun caso modificare la scelta del Corso di Laurea, né il round di riferimento dell’application essendo vincolanti ai fini dell’ammissione e della successiva immatricolazione. 

Qual è l’importo del contributo unico per le Lauree Magistrali?

Per l’anno accademico 2025/2026 il Contributo Unico previsto per l’iscrizione al primo anno dei Corsi di Laurea Magistrale è pari a 13.600,00 euro suddiviso in tre rate (prima rata pari a 4.600 euro, II e III rata rispettivamente a novembre 2025 e a febbraio 2026)., Per Corsi di Laurea di Corporate Finance Management e di per il quale il contributo unico è pari a 15.300,00 euro (prima rata pari a 5.100 euro, II e III rata rispettivamente a novembre 2025 e a febbraio 2026).

How can I choose the degree programme? Can I amend my application?

When filling in the application form, candidates must indicate their chosen degree programme/major. The choice can be changed only before communication of the outcome of a candidate’s application by writing to

Candidates may request that their submitted application be amended only before communication of the outcome of that application by sending an e-mail to that effect to the Admissions Office. Once that deadline has passed, it will no longer be possible under any circumstances to change the choice of degree programme or the session in which the application is submitted as they are both binding for the purposes of admission and subsequent university enrolment.

What is the annual tuition fee for master's degree programmes?

For the 2025/2026 academic year, the annual tuition fee for enrolment in the first year of a master's degree programme is € 13,600 divided into three instalments (a first instalment of € 4,600, with the second and third instalments due in in November 2025 and February 2026 respectively).

For the degree programmes in Corporate Finance and Management the said fee is € 15,300 (a first instalment of € 5,100, with the second and third instalments due in November 2025 and February 2026 respectively).

Are scholarships available?

Dopo aver effettuato l’iscrizione alla frequenza con il versamento della I rata entro la scadenza del round di riferimento e una volta conseguito il tuo titolo di studio, dovrai obbligatoriamente procedere al perfezionamento dell’immatricolazione non appena avrai conseguito il titolo di Laurea Triennale e comunque entro la scadenza improrogabile del 13 novembre 2025. Riceverai le istruzioni per il completamento della procedura via e-mail a partire dal mese di luglio 2025.

Ti raccomandiamo di verificare per tempo di aver completato correttamente il processo di immatricolazione; in caso di mancato perfezionamento dell’immatricolazione entro il 13/11/2025, a prescindere dall’iscrizione alla frequenza effettuata, la posizione dello studente verrà automaticamente archiviata e non sarà possibile procedere all’immatricolazione per l’a.a. 2025/2026.

Nascondi per questa lingua
​​For which degree programmes can I apply?

​You may only apply for one degree programme/major of your choice from among the following.​​For the degree programmes marked with an asterisk the minimum scores are:

Degree programmes taught in italian 

  • Amministrazione, finanza e controllo
  • Economia e Finanza (indirizzi in italiano)
  • Governo, Amministrazione e Politica
  • Marketing (orientamento in italiano)
  • Strategic Management (orientamento in italiano)

Degree programmes taught in english 

  • Economia e Finanza – major in Applied Economics; major in Finance
  • Corporate Finance (*)
  • Data Science and Management
  • Global Management and Politics
  • International Relations
  • Management (*)
  • Marketing (orientamento in inglese)
  • Policies and Governance in Europe
  • Strategic Management (orientamento in inglese)

For the degree programmes marked with an asterisk the minimum scores GMAT/GRE are:

  • 555 out of 805 for Corporate Finance and Management
  • 150 Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning for Corporate Finance and Management
​​​Is a copy of the certificate sufficient for admission purposes?

For the purposes of direct admission on the basis of GMAT or GRE scores, students must request, by the deadline for submission of applications for the session concerned, that the original of the certificate be electronically sent to Luiss.

For bachelor's degrees awarded under the Italian education system, the certificate/self-certification of the degree held/current enrolment must necessarily set out, in addition to the grades, the exams passed, the affiliated degree class, the academic discipline field (SSD) and the ECTS credits earned for each exam passed. For foreign academic qualifications, reference must be made to the criteria laid down annually by the Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR) and set out by the University on the following webpage.

Please note that only applications that meet the prescribed minimum curricular requirements will be considered valid.

I have not obtained or will not obtain a bachelor’s degree in Italy. What should I do?

If your degree is not from a university located in Italy, click here and find out how and when to apply for the selection procedures dedicated to you.

What are the prescribed minimum curricular requirements? How can I check if they are met?

In order to participate in the selection process, you will have to check whether you meet the prescribed minimum curricular requirements, with a view to ensuring that the master’s degree programme you are seeking admission to is consistent with your previous studies.

If you are a student or graduate

  • from another university: we invite you to independently verify whether you meet the prescribed minimum curricular requirements by clicking here.
    If those requirements are not met, you will have to submit – by the deadline for submission of applications for admission – documentation evidencing how you propose to make good that shortcoming (e.g. through the inclusion of extracurricular educational activities in you study plan). The deficit may be made up solely through earning ECTS credits by 13 November 2025. As specified in the Call for Applications, the Admissions Office will check fulfilment of the minimum curricular requirements when university enrolment is being finalised. Therefore, therefore, any admission based on the test and ensuing registration of the student is to be considered as conditional until fulfilment of the said minimum curricular requirements is established. For information and support:
  • of a Luiss bachelor's degree programme: minimum curricular requirements are always deemed to be fulfilled regardless of the Academic Area that the programme belongs to.

Without prejudice to the above curricular requirements, it should be noted that there will be no revision of fundamental concepts in class since it is a master’s degree programme.

How can I choose the degree programme? Can I amend my application?

When filling in the application form, candidates must indicate their chosen degree programme/major. The choice can be changed only before communication of the outcome of a candidate’s application by writing to

Candidates may request that their submitted application be amended only before communication of the outcome of that application by sending an e-mail to that effect to the Admissions Office. Once that deadline has passed, it will no longer be possible under any circumstances to change the choice of degree programme or the session in which the application is submitted as they are both binding for the purposes of admission and subsequent university enrolment.

What is the annual tuition fee for master's degree programmes?

For the 2025/2026 academic year, the annual tuition fee for enrolment in the first year of a master's degree programme is € 13,600 divided into three instalments (a first instalment of € 4,600, with the second and third instalments due in in November 2025 and February 2026 respectively).

For the degree programmes in Corporate Finance and Management the said fee is € 15,300 (a first instalment of € 5,100, with the second and third instalments due in November 2025 and February 2026 respectively).

Are scholarships available?

Admission does not entail the awarding of scholarships. Admitted candidates may compete for the awarding of scholarships in accordance with the criteria and timetable you will find on ​​this webpage.

I have been admitted! What are the next steps?

Congratulations! Below is a summary of the next steps that you have to take. You will also be e-mailed a guide on registering for attendance and the associated timeframe for doing so. 

Admitted students can check the instructions, the methods for paying the €4,600 (€ 5,100 for the degree programmes in Corporate Finance and in Management) due for registering for attendance and the relevant deadlines on the University’s website on the page dedicated thereto. 

Please note that for applications submitted by 26 February, the deadline for registering for attendance is 15 April 2025. For applications submitted between 27 February and 30 April 2025, the deadline for registering for attendance is 15 May 2025. Any request to register for attendance received after the non-extendable specified deadlines will not be considered. Indeed, under no circumstances will it be possible to remedy the situation after the expiry of the deadline, not even by paying a penalty.  

In light of the specified deadlines, students are requested to contact the Admissions Office at in good time should they require support. In case of simultaneous participation in a number of selection processes (other universities, scholarships, etc.), the onus is on students themselves to check whether the various deadlines are compatible with the above. Any students that do not have their credentials for access to the Web Self-Service platform should promptly contact the Admissions Office at the above-mentioned address, by the deadline set for the session in which the application is submitted. 

Admission and registering for attendance is to be considered as conditional until receipt of the original documentation regarding the prerequisite academic qualification, the statement of validity (dichiarazione di valore) to be requested from the Italian diplomatic or consular authorities for the country whose education system awarded the foreign academic qualification and, for students with non-EU citizenship, documentation regarding personal identity and their visa, where applicable. For information on the issuing of study visas, students may contact: 

When will I have to finalise university enrolment?

After registering for attendance through paying the first instalment of the annual tuition fee by the deadline set for the session in which the application is submitted and once you have obtained your bachelor's degree, you must finalise your university enrolment and, in any case, by the non-extendable deadline of 13 November 2025. You will receive instructions for completing the procedure by e-mail from July 2025 onwards. 

 We recommend that you check in good time that you have correctly completed the university enrolment process. Should you not finalise university enrolment by 13 November 2025, regardless of having previously registered for attendance, your application will automatically be discarded and it will not be possible to proceed with enrolment for the 2025/2026 academic year.

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Direct admission to Luiss University’s master's degree programmes in the 2025/2026 academic year with GMAT/GRE certification: find out about requirements, deadlines and how to apply now!