Direct Admission requires applicants to have one of the following certificates:
- SAT with a minimum score of 1,200 out of 1,600
- ACT with a minimum score of 25 out of 36
- IB with a predicted and final grade of at least 36 out of 45
Those certificates allow one to gain direct admission to our bachelor’s degree programmes and the single-cycle master’s degree programme in law (Giurisprudenza) without having to take the Luiss Test.
The Call for Applications has all the details regarding the requirements, deadlines and documentation needed to submit an application for admission based on certification.
By contrast the infographic illustrates the main deadlines and steps to follow.
Download the Call for Applications
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Frequent Question
You can apply to take part in this selection procedure if the following conditions are met:
- you are studying in Italy or are a citizen of an EU/Schengen country;
- by 22 July 2025 you will have passed the final examinations required to obtain a final secondary school leaving qualification entitling you to enrol at Italian universities (click here for the requirements in that regard) or you already hold such a final secondary school leaving qualification.
You may choose only one of the programmes forming part of the academic offering for the 2025/2026 academic year.
Degree programmes taught in Italian
- Economia e Management
- Giurisprudenza
- Scienze Politiche
Degree programmes taught in English
- Business Administration
- Economics and Business
- Global Law
- Management and Artificial Intelligence
- Politics: Philosophy and Economics
USEFUL TIP: carefully choose the degree programme that you wish to apply for because your decision will be binding for the purposes of admission to your chosen programme.
1. Valid identity document and/or passport indicating citizenship
For more information, please click here. Remember that the Admissions Office will check that you meet the citizenship requirements after the application has been submitted on the basis of the documentation requested at the application stage. Any ineligible applications will be automatically excluded.
2. One of the certifications required to take part in the selection procedure, namely:
- SAT certificate with a minimum score of 1200/1600
Please note that your application will only be processed if your SAT certificate can be verified directly from the College Board platform. You can request that it be sent to Luiss using the University’s identifying code 7055. - ACT certificate with a minimum score of 25/36
Please note that your application will only be processed if your ACT certificate can be verified directly from the ACT platform. You can request that it be sent to Luiss using the University’s identifying code 3019. -
IB Diploma or predicted IB with a minimum grade of 36/45
Remember that once obtained, you must send your final diploma from the IBO platform using the University’s identifying code: 002563.
We would also like to remind you that in the case of admission on the basis of a predicted grade, a final grade of at least 36/45 will be required for enrolment purposes, failing which it will be impossible to finalise university enrolment notwithstanding admission and the fact that you may already have booked enrolment.N.B. The costs of obtaining the above certificates must be borne by you
3. Only for students with a foreign final secondary school leaving qualification: school reports for the final two years
If you hold a foreign final secondary school leaving qualification, in order to correctly fill out the application for admission you must also submit school reports for the last two years of school with an indication of the grades, the relevant school year, the year of schooling and an indication of the final qualification that you will obtain. The documents must bear the appropriate official stamp; if they are issued in a language other than English, French or Italian, they must be translated by a qualified translator. The sole purpose of the report cards is to check the validity of the qualification.
In any case, for non-Italian academic qualifications, reference must be made to the criteria laid down annually by the Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR) and set out by the University here.
You will be able to apply for direct admission by January 14, 2025 by filling in the application form available at this link. Please note that in order to complete your application, you will be required to pay a fee of € 80, directly online via the payment platform accessible from the application form, by 14 January 2025. The application fee paid will not be refundable under any circumstances.
If you did not register to Luiss application platform before, go ahead and register by using the dedicated link. If you have already registered and forgot your password, you may reset it using the appropriate button.
We remind you that your username is the email address you used for registration.
USEFUL TIP: in the application form give an e-mail address to which you will have access for the entire duration of the selection procedure and check your inbox regularly. All communications relating to your application will be sent to that e-mail account!
You may request that your submitted application be amended only up to when you receive the result and, in any case, by the deadline of 14 January 2025 by sending an e-mail to that effect to the Admissions Office ( Upon receipt of your request, the Admissions Office will contact you and provide you with all the information that you need to access the platform and amend your data independently.
N.B. The Admissions Office, including in the wake of various checks, may ask you to modify your application or update the attached documents. Therefore, please regularly check your e-mail account!
Admission will be determined on the basis of:
- the score obtained in the certificate submitted in order to take part in the selection procedure verified on the appropriate platform;
- compliance with the eligibility requirements that the final secondary school leaving qualification must meet.
In order to process your application correctly, the Admissions Office will check the score and the validity of your certificate directly on the certifying body's platform. Therefore, remember to enable Luiss to view the official score!
The results of the selection procedure will be communicated approximately two weeks after the submission of the application by e-mail sent to the address given during the application process.
Please note that admission is conditional on Luiss verifying the eligibility of your final upper secondary school leaving qualification. That said, the eligibility criteria can be independently checked by clicking here.
Please also note that in the case of admission on the basis of an IB predicted grade, enrolment will be conditional on confirmation of at least 36/45 as a final grade.
USEFUL TIP: should the submitted documentation not comply with the ministerial guidelines for the comparability of academic qualifications and not have been submitted by the deadline for doing so, university enrolment will not be permitted under any circumstances. For this reason, we advise you to carefully check the requirements for your final secondary school leaving qualification here.
If you are successful in the selection procedure and therefore have been admitted, you can proceed to the next step by booking your university enrolment by and no later than 11 February 2025. In order to do so, you will have to pay the € 4,200 due in this regard by logging on the Luiss Web Self-Service platform in accordance with the instructions that will be available online at the end of January 2025.
N.B. The non-extendable deadline for booking university enrolment is 11 February 2025. Any request to book enrolment after the deadline specified in the call for applications will not be considered. Indeed, under no circumstances will it be possible to remedy the situation after the expiry of the deadline, not even by paying a penalty.
Should you not have the credentials to log on to the Luiss Web Self-Service platform, please write to the Admissions Office ( by 11 February 2025.
Finally, we would like to remind you that after you have booked your university enrolment and obtained your final upper secondary school leaving qualification, you must finalise your enrolment by 22 July 2025 at the latest.
Only those who have successfully booked their university enrolment (by 11 February 2025) and obtained their final upper secondary school leaving qualification by the specified deadline will be able to finalise that enrolment by and no later than 22 July 2025.
USEFUL TIP: Check the deadlines carefully and contact the Admissions Office at in good time if you need support. In case of simultaneous participation in a number of selection processes (other universities, etc.), it is up to you to check whether the various deadlines are compatible with what is stated on this page and in the call for applications.
The annual single tuition fee (contributo unico annuale). for all bachelor's degree programmes and the single-cycle master's degree programme in law (Giurisprudenza) for the 2025/2026 academic year is € 12,600.
Please note that admission does not entail the award of a scholarship. Admitted candidates may compete for scholarships in accordance with the criteria and timing explained here.