The LUISS Blue Team has won the Rotman International Trading Competition. The eleventh annual international trading competition, the biggest of its kind, took place from February 20 to 22, 2014, in the heart of Toronto’s financial district.
The team was made up of master’s degree students in Financial Economics: Riccardo Caruso, Michael Guy Cuna, Giovanni Fassari and Alessio Ottaviani. They were selected by Professor Emilio Barone, a professor of Economics of Securities Markets.
With the guidance of Professor Barone, Riccardo, Michael, Giovanni and Alessio, took tests and did trading simulations, beating more than 50 teams from 47 universities, including Berkeley, Chicago, Cornell, MIT, Princeton, Stanford and UCLA.
The Blue Team shared first place with Université Laval. Rounding out the top five teams were those from Berkeley, Baruch and Calgary.