The way we were: a history of LUISS in photos

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A history told through photos: from the President of the Republic, Sandro Pertini, to Pope Wojtyla. Since 1977, LUISS Guido Carli has hosted the most important figures in Italy’s history, establishing itself as a reference point for outstanding education for both young Italians and foreigners.

The photos contained in the book LUISS Guido Carli, An Educational Enterprise Open to the World, by Maria Liana Dinacci and Mauro Marcantoni, present us with the image of a University that is always in line with the times and ready to accept and analyze its political, economic and social transformations. Filled with interviews and personal accounts, the book highlights the University’s most pivotal moments: like when, in 1998, the provost, Mario Arcelli and the President, Luigi Abete, welcomed Pope John Paul II in his first visit to a private university. 

Papa Giovanni Paolo II alla LUISS

Looking through the photos in the LUISS archive reminds us of the many personalities that have helped augment our University’s prestige. First and foremost was Guido Carli, who was President of LUISS from 1978 to 1993. The University was renamed after him in 1994.

Guido Carli con alcuni studenti LUISS

<p>LUISS's history told through photos: a Flickr photo gallery showing us the university's illustrious guests and professors.</p>
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