Two LUISS graduates receive Ermenegildo Zegna scholarships to attend Harvard and King's College

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Ermengildo Zegna Scholarship

LUISS graduates Luca Sportelli and Gabriele Carovano are going to perform research at Harvard University and King’s College thanks to the support of the Ermenegildo Zegna Founder's Scholarship that finances young Italian talent studying abroad.

For the third year running, LUISS Guido Carli participates in the initiative alongside other Italian universities, with the goal of allowing Italian graduates to obtain training abroad and bring their new skills back to Italy.

Scholarship winners are chosen by a committee based on their research and specialization projects as well as their motivation for investing their knowledge in Italy after completing their studies.

“It is a project that we truly believe in, that proves our vision of a country that trusts and invests in their best young people while promoting their professional development. LUISS is committed to international education and to giving our students the chance to be more competitive both abroad and in Italy,” states Professor Leonardo Morlino, vice rector of research and head of the university’s pre-selection board.

The two winners now have the chance to earn a Master in Law in 2016-2017 with a scholarship of up to €50,000. “Receiving such strong support has allowed us to dream big and return to Italy with even more determination,” states Luca Sportelli, who will study investment law at Harvard. “This is such a great opportunity to grow that we will take full advantage of,” says Gabriele, already in London, studying competition systems.

LUISS offers a Double Degree with King’s College, as one the university’s 190 exchange programs in nearly 40 countries. Last year over 600 LUISS students studied abroad, while the number of graduates working abroad reached 10%, doubling last year’s figure.

<p>For a third year, LUISS participates in the initiative to send students abroad to bring skills back to Italy</p>
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