MOTUS-E launches a Call for Papers and a Best Thesis Award

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image-9 Gen 2020 - 11:20am

MOTUS-E launched a Call for Papers and a Best Thesis Award.

Students, researchers and professionals working on one of the 7 thematic clusters can apply for the call or the award until January 31, 2020.

Authors of three selected papers and the winner of the best thesis award will also have the opportunity to attend the MOTUS-E Event in Rome in 2020: a day of knowledge sharing and co-creation on the relationship between technology and sustainability.

MOTUS-E is the first Italian association bringing together industries, transport sector operators, academic players, consumer associations and public opinion movements, to promote the transition towards a more sustainable model of mobility, in a context in which technologies and digital transformation play a crucial role.

Luiss is a proud member of the association and shares its goal to stimulate public debate, but also engagement as well as applied research and innovation on electric and sustainable mobility. Luiss Green MobilityLuiss Ecological Shuttle Service, and LabGov.City, a research lab working on community-led urban sustainable development policies and projects in various Italian and European cities, are only just few examples of Luiss University's commitment to environmental sustainability and the fight to climate change.

Call for Papers

Best Thesis Award

<p class="opportunity-subtitle">The association promotes and offers incentives to adopt a more sustainable model of mobility</p>
Scheduling Start