Student Office
Viale Romania, 32
00197 Roma
T 06 8522 5270/5263
Via Parenzo, 11
00198 Roma
T 06 8522 5895
Assignment of the Co-Supervisor
The Co-Supervisor, appointed directly by the Dean of the School and his/her delegate, can be viewed on the student’s personal page of the Web Self Service. Students cannot express any preferences regarding the appointment of the Co-Supervisor.
Changing the title of the thesis
If the student wishes to modify the title of the thesis without changing the topic, it is not necessary to fill out any forms to replace the former thesis title assignment; the title indicated upon upload of the final thesis will be considered definitive.
Changing the subject matter or Supervisor of the thesis
If the student wishes to change the subject matter or the Supervisor, they must present a new thesis title assignment form approximately five months before the session in which they intend to graduate.
Degree Exam Request
As decided by the Academic Senate in April 2016, based on the directives contained in the Guidelines of the Digital University (2012), starting from the Summer Session A.Y. 2015-2016 (July 2016) it is not necessary to submit any degree exam request paper form to the Student Office.
The instructions for the degree exam request for Single-Cycle Master's Degree students are available at the page Assignment of thesis title and degree exam.
Upload of the thesis
As decided by the Academic Senate in the April 21, 2015 session, based on the directives contained in the Guidelines of the Digital University (2012), starting from the Extraordinary Session A.Y. 2014-2015 (March-April 2016) students have to upload the thesis from the Web Self Service in accordance with the published timeframe, simplifying the administrative procedures and reducing paper waste. It is not necessary to submit any documentation to the Student Office.
The instructions for the upload of the thesis for Single-Cycle Master's Degree students are available at the page Assignment of thesis title and degree exam.
Students graduating with a Master’s or Single-Cycle Master's Degree with top grades who are awarded with honors and the “special mention” may publish their thesis (or an abstract) in PubbliTesi, a national database managed by MIUR with the aim to spread theses of academic merit from Italian Universities. Students may find more information on the PubbliTesi website ( Luiss students interested in the above-mentioned database must follow the following procedures. In filling in the application form students will have to indicate their personal e-mail address, not the Luiss one. Interested students will have to inform the thesis Supervisor and the President of the Degree Exam Commission, and have them sign the form; they will have to deliver the form to the Student Office, who will forward it to the Library. The thesis will be available on the PubbliTesi database and a direct link (or the thesis abstract, should the graduate not be interested in Open Access publication) will lead to the LuissThesis archives. It should be borne in mind that the publication is not certified by Luiss and that candidates are not exempt from administrative procedures concerning the degree exam.Thesis of merit
The best theses from Luiss students graduating with a Master’s or Single-Cycle Master's Degree will have the chance to compete in the “Thesis of Merit” project. The two best theses for each Department, defended for the current academic year and selected among those who have received the special mention, will be published online on the Luiss Working Papers. Participation to the project is automatic, however it should be borne in mind that only students graduating within the prescribed timeframe who have given consent to the consultation of their thesis will be considered.Dates and times for the thesis defense
Students can view the date for their thesis defense:
- by accessing the Degree Examination section of their personal Web Self Service page;
- on the session calendar that will only be published on the University Notice Board.
Students cannot request or express any preferences regarding the date of their thesis defense, nor can they change the date once the session calendar has been published.
Members of the Degree Board
The list of the members of the Degree Board is published:
- on the University Notice Board;
in the Degree Examination section of each student’s personal Web Self Service.
The order of candidates’ defenses
The candidates' names are published in order of identification number, and therefore all candidates will receive before the degree session the scheduled time for arrival.
Use of electronic equipment
A computer is made available to students who wish to use it during their thesis defense.
Guidelines regarding conduct during degree sessions
These general rules are designed to ensure that candidates are able to defend their theses without any unnecessary distractions or stress. All candidates, relatives and friends are asked to heed the following suggestions:
- all candidates must wait their turn in the room next to the Sala delle Colonne with their relatives and friends, without disturbing the others;
- after they finish defending their thesis, celebrating candidates are asked to be respectful of their colleagues and of the campus premises;
- it is forbidden to throw confetti or anything similar.
Requesting degree certificates and diploma
Please check the Graduate Office page.