Ersilia Di Giovanni
Cristiana Carobolante
University Tutoring
Academic Tutoring
T +39 06 85225361
The Luiss Tutoring Office is designed to guide, accompany and inspire students throughout their college careers. It does this through three main services, personalized to the student’s own background, studies and ambitions. These are: University Tutoring – Academic Tutoring – Inclusiveness Tutoring Service It’s U!
Today’s competitive global workplace demands not only academic excellence. Students must be able to demonstrate their personal growth through experiences in other areas of their lives as well. Tutors work hand-in-hand with students to help them build a successful college career, optimizing their own interests and potential to become well-rounded job candidates post-graduation.
Digital and language skills, internships, soft skills; these are just some factors that future employers are looking for in newly minted graduates. Tutoring sessions help students grow and gain insights into their own potential; assisting them in identifying and focusing on their goals for the future.
University Tutoring Office
Tutors act as a compass for students to orient themselves along their academic journey. They work side-by-side with each student, providing advice and support and helping them select the best classes for their particular area of interest. They are also on hand to help students work out academic requirements or navigate administrative issues and other components along the way.
Tutors accompany students throughout their college careers through the Student Biography initiative – A series of personalized conversations that lead students to enhance their own background and discover their interests and potential. Students end up writing their own “life story” and with each page, become more prepared for launching successful careers post-graduation.
Academic Tutoring
Academic Tutors assist students with their specific problems in course work. They offer guidance and effective study methodologies for understanding topics and gaining knowledge to prepare for exams and ultimately employ that knowledge to the outside world.
On Luiss Learn you will also find the Exam Radio, the new podcasting format branded Luiss Academic Tutoring. Podcast are in Italian for the moment and they are addressed to all students who want to review topics or to clarify doubts for the exams.
It’s U!
It’s U! is the tutoring service specifically created to promote inclusivity across campus. Experts in learning and disabilities are on hand to make sure each student plays an active role on campus, and that the university promotes a welcome environment for all.
The goal is to assure that student’s gain greater autonomy and are well on their way for academic success. Specialists bring qualified solutions to any issues students with disabilities may have during their college career, and identify ways to bring out their full potential – through the adoption of specific study methods to assure student success.
Luiss is for everyone. Come and see how it can work for you!