Viale Pola 12, Roma
T: +39 06 85225579/5352
F: +39 06 85225339
Master in Diritto della concorrenza e dell’innovazione
Second-level master's degree
There are three didactic modules:
- I Module: Intellectual property. The first module of this master is made up of a specialization course in Law and Management of Intellectual Property, Competition and Communication. Students can enroll in the entire master or just the specialization course.
- II Module: Antitrust. The second module of this master will cover the following topics: markets and welfare; market power and dominant positions; contracts and antitrust law; antitrust authorities’ powers of enforcement.
- III Module: Communications. The third module of this master will cover the following topics: issues of concern and developmental profiles of ICT 2.0; Discipline and management of digital content and services.
Internships at law firms, independent authorities, legal departments within companies and other entities will be done after the period of classroom lectures and following the selection and acceptance of students by partner companies. Internships will be used for the preparation of the master’s thesis at the end of the program, which will be on topics pertaining to competition and innovation law.
The master is held in cooperation with the European University of Rome and with the sponsorship of SIAE, the Italian Association of Authors and Publishers, AGCM, the Italian Competition Authority, the Authority for Communications Guarantees, Digital Confindustria, the Italian Antitrust Association, and the Previti Firm and Professional Association.
Director: Professor Gustavo Olivieri, full professor of Commercial Law at the Department of Law.
Co-director: Professor Gustavo Ghidini, full professor of Industrial Law at the Department of Law.