Free Mover
Office Hours
Student Mobility
Viale Romania, 32
00197 Roma
Tue and Thu:
T: 06 85225613/5642
Delegate Professors:
Business and Management
Prof. Lakshmi Balachandran Nair
Economics and Finance
Prof. Alessia Caponera
Political Science
Prof. Vera Capperucci
Prof. Alessia Farano
Please Note. Students interested in enrolling in individual courses at Luiss (Free Mover incoming students) are requested to get in touch to the Admission Office (
This type of student abroad is referred to as a visiting student, guest student or fee paying student, a designation important to take into account when contacting the universities concerned.
For bachelor's degree programs, applications can be submitted by students in their second year with a view to spending the first semester of the third year abroad.
For master’s degree programs, applications can be submitted by students in their first year with a view to spending the first semester of the second year abroad.
For the single-cycle master’s degree program in law, applications can be submitted by students in either their third or fourth year with a view to spending the first semester of either the fourth or fifth year abroad.
Students who wish to undertake a mobility during the first semester can apply between 11 April and 12 p.m. (noon) on 7 May 2024. Only law students will be able to undertake a mobility during the second semester and must apply between 18 September and 12 p.m. (noon) on 4 October 2024.
Additionally, applications can be submitted by students in either their fourth or fifth year with a view to spending the second semester of either the fourth or fifth year abroad.
By the first week of June for first-semester departures and by the last week of October for second-semester departures, all candidates will receive a reply e-mail about admission to the program and approval of the proposed recognition of the study plan. If the application is successful, students will have to autonomously complete the necessary procedures to formalize their departure.
Potential universities are included in the “possible destinations list” after having checked the availability of the courses of interest.
Students may propose additional universities as new destinations for spending their semester abroad. Proposals for new Free Mover destinations must be addressed directly to the Student Mobility Office (, which, after checking the absence of any impediment, will approve the university and proceed to submit the study plan to the relevant Academic Coordinator. Proposals for new universities should include useful information about the foreign University and its Free Mover program (link, brochures, email threads) and a proposed study plan using the specific form .
Under no circumstance will destinations with which Luiss already has an Erasmus/Bilateral exchange agreements be approved.
Using the "wearefreemovers" database, it is possible to search for universities eligible for a Free Mover semester using filters on country, deadlines, course offering and costs. Each university tab also contains useful information and contacts. Luiss merely makes such a platform available to students and has no power to control and supervise the content placed therein and its reliability.
These proposals for new destinations must be submitted to the Student Mobility Office for review from April 11th and no later than April 19th 2024.
Please note that students are not allowed to contact the delegate professor before the application period for opinions on the study plan.
This will enable students to obtain informal approval for new destinations or for those with an early deadline. In order to be valid the Free Mover application will still have to be formally submitted through the Web Self Service platform by the prescribed deadlines by uploading the correct and previously approved form.
Luiss University does not have any type of Free Mover agreement with foreign institutions and thus cannot guarantee eligibility for possible locations in any way. Free Mover students are not subject to a selection or nomination process by the Student Mobility Office. Luiss University deals solely with the recognition of the courses taken abroad and has no coordinating role between students and the host university.
Free Mover mobility is incompatible with other one-semester and year-long international exchanges for all areas except the single-cycle degree program in law.
Students who are abroad on an international exchange program during the second semester of the 2022-2023 academic year or who are attending a virtual mobility program cannot apply under the Free Mover program to attend the first semester of the 2023-2024 academic year abroad.
NB: All students participating in the Free Mover program will be awarded 0.5 bonus points at the time of their degree examination provided they have passed and obtain the recognition of at least two official exams as part of the Free Mover program. The credits earned as a result of passing those official exams must compulsorily count towards the credits required for obtaining one’s degree. Therefore, language and additional courses (corsi liberi) are excluded.
The program is open to students enrolled in bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in all areas and in the single-cycle master’s degree program in law, for one semester only.