Other Financial Aid Options

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Financial Aid

Viale Gorizia, 17

00198 Roma

M: agevolazionieconomiche@luiss.it

Valentina Iaione


Partnership & Financial Aid

T: +39 06 8522 5360

Daniela Brigido

T: +39 06 8522 5421

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In this section, you will find an updated list with announcements and Call for Applications for Degree Awards that are not directly managed by Luiss but may be of interest to our students and graduates.

To be granted a scholarship, students will be evaluated based on their financial status and academic performance. The financial value of scholarships varies depending on the granting institution and is established in relation to the student’s position (on-site, commuter, off-site).

The value of the Degree Awards also varies according to the granting institution. Typically, these are granted on a merit-basis (graduation grade within a threshold and timeframe i.e., graduation date/academic year) and are often linked to specific thesis topics.

Students obtaining a Degree Award may also benefit from publishing their thesis, undertaking an internship at the granting institution or partner companies, carrying out research abroad, and winning grants covering enrollment costs for a post-graduate course, etc.

The Partnership & Financial Aid Office remains at your disposal for any further information or queries you may have.

‘Giannina Di Marco’ scholarship- academic year 2024/2025

A competition is announced for the awarding of 5 scholarships in memory of Dr Giannina Di Marco, Director General of LUMSA from 1996 to 2022, amounting to € 4,000 each, all-inclusive of all charges, to promote and support the commitment and merit of students enrolled in the academic year 2024-2025 in two-year degree courses at legally recognised non-state universities, not telematic, present in Italy.

Further Information (italian)

Minerva Award for Graduation Theses

As part of the Minerva Award for Excellence in Business 2025, the initiative aims to raise awareness and reward young university students who have developed a graduation thesis on the topic of promoting women in the workforce, the female labour market, and, more generally, issues related to inclusion and female empowerment. The Minerva Award, promoted by Unindustria and Federmanager Roma, has been working on these topics for several years.

Further information

Application form

Nascondi per questa lingua
Premio di Laurea ABI "Giorgio Vincenzi" 2021
Una Tesi Per La Sicurezza Nazionale
Premio Valori di Impresa
Bando tesi contest 2022
Bando Gianani 2022
Bando premio gianini
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Other Financial Aid Options | Luiss