With the aim of continuously fostering its Internationalization process, Luiss University offers the following programs to promote the mobility of its Faculty members towards leading International Institutions abroad.
Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching
The Call for Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching is published every year with the purpose of collecting applications from Luiss Faculty members who intend to benefit from Erasmus Teaching Grants.
Normally this is a short-term mobility, as it lasts for a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 days, and is mostly focused on teaching activity.
For an overview of the details concerning the program and the terms for application submission, it is possible to check the following link, referring to the last Call published in the news section of our website.
Luiss Faculty members normally receive a communication whenever a new call is online.
For further information, please contact the International and Educational Development Office - Faculty Mobility, at the following Email address: facultymobility@luiss.it.
International Chairs
International Chairs mobilities are most frequently (but not exclusively) structured on a twofold reciprocal path: a Luiss Faculty member can propose for a faculty exchange together with a foreign scholar, so that the visit of the foreign scholar can be arranged at Luiss and the visit of the Luiss faculty member can be arranged at the foreign institution within the same academic year. Normally, International Chairs are founded by both institutions, with each institution preferably covering the costs of its own faculty.
Generally, the length of visiting periods, both at Luiss and in the foreign institutions, is of a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 weeks.
Luiss faculty members interested in this program or willing to propose a Faculty Exchange Mobility can directly contact the Deputy Rector for Internationalization - Prof. Raffaele Marchetti (prorettoreinternazionalizzazione@luiss.it) or the International and Educational Development Office -Faculty Mobility (facultymobility@luiss.it.
Faculty Exchange Program between Luiss University and Sciences Po
This Faculty Exchange Program is foreseen within the framework of the Agreement between Luiss University and Sciences Po.
The Faculty Exchange program consists of a reciprocal Faculty Exchange between Sciences Po and Luiss University, for which 1 Faculty Member from each institution will spend a visiting period at the other institution to carry out research and teaching activity, for a total of 4 weeks (either consecutive or split into 2 periods of two weeks). Each hosting institution will provide a gross and all-inclusive lump-sum compensation of €4,000 for the incoming Faculty Member.
Interested Luiss Core Faculty Members can send an application through the relevant Call (Call for Faculty Exchange Program with Sciences Po) published in the news section of our website every year.
For further information, please contact the International and Educational Development Office - Faculty Mobility, at the following Email address: facultymobility@luiss.it.