Villa de Heritz
The Luiss campus between Viale Romania and Via Panama is a portion of a much larger estate. Once owned by Conte de Heritz, in 1878, the property was created by uniting smaller suburban villas (Villa Digne, Villa Lecce, Villa Simonetti, among others.)
In 1919, the property was purchased by Società Generale Immobiliare and divided up into smaller properties in an urbanization project, creating Via Panama, Via Lima and Via Lisbona.
The park, measuring 2.7 acres, was partially preserved to protect the trees. Unfortunately, Villino Digne was demolished, and in 1929, the currently standing neo-Baroque villa was erected in its place by architect Giovanni Battista Milani.
Characterizing the construction is the pronaos, vestibule and an elliptical staircase, each clearly referencing Baroque language.
In 1940, Villa Heritz and the surrounding park were purchased by a group of nuns, but only in 1948 were the church, convent, cloister and school built.
After important conservation and restoration projects, in 2007, the property became home to the Departments of Business and Management, Economics and Finance and Political Science.